1st FORUM: Healt system as an investment

Can healthcare be an example of a profitable investment? How is health care viewed in BiH?
What is digitalisation in healthcare and how is it introduced? How much does digitisation cost?
These are just some of the questions that the First Forum: “Health System as an Investment” will try to provide answers to. Representatives of the government, scientific – educational institutions and global and local companies will give an overview of the situation in BiH, focusing on new model of financing and digitalisation in health system, focusing on new models of financing and digitalisation in health care, all with the aim of providing better health care to patients.
The forum will take place on 20 October 2021 in Sarajevo and will be the unique place where the opinion of representatives of relevant state institutions will be heard, as well as experts in which direction BH health care should be improved in order to truly become an investment that saves the lives of BiH citizens.

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