Conference celebrating the Clinical Trials Day, May 20

The second event in the series focusing on the digital transformation of diabetes care, co-organised by the EFPIA Diabetes Platform and IDF Europe.

International Conference Biological and Bio similar medicines, Banja Luka, May 10, 2017

A workshop on drug side-effectswasheld at the UNSA School of Medicine

Regulated pharmaceutical associations mean better control over the medicinal products market by the state

Introducing the EFPIA Disclosure Code

EFPIA believes that interactions between the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals have a profound and positive influence on the quality of patient treatment and the value of future research.

At the same time, the integrity of the decision of a healthcare professional to prescribe or recommend a medicine is one of the pillars of the healthcare system. EFPIA recognises that interactions between the industry and healthcare professionals can create the potential for conflicts of interest.