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The Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in BiH brings together 12 innovative pharmaceutical manufacturers present across Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Association was established in late 2013 as a voluntary, independent, non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit organization, pursuant to the Law on Associations and Foundations of BiH.
The main goals of the Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in BiH are, in addition to advocating and encouraging all relevant stakeholders in the market of BiH to create a favourable economic, administrative and political environment, to establish better and more efficient partnerships with all state bodies and relevant ministries.


The AIPM’s mission is to encourage all relevant stakeholders in the pharmaceutical market in Bosnia and Herzegovina to create a favourable economic, administrative and political environment that would enable the innovative pharmaceutical industry to meet the populationincreasing needs for healthcare, primarily across patient populations.
The AIPM’s vision is a high quality healthcare system, which is,above all, financially sustainable and which ensures aswift and transparent access to the best medicines and the safest treatmentmethods for all patients and healthcare professionals.

At the session held on 9 September 2016, the Assembly of the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Code of Conduct for Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers.
By adopting this Code, the Association seeks to establish visible and clear rules and procedures to be complied with by the Association members in promotingof pharmaceutical products to healthcare professionals in a way that will ensure professional and ethical conduct and transparency of healthcareprofessionals in their endeavours to achieve rational pharmacotherapy and deliverhigh quality patient-centred healthcare for patients in BiH.
According to the changes in the industry, at the general Assembly held on March 30, 2023 UIPL, once again, harmonized the Code with all the new and most important provisions of the EFPIA Code of Conduct.
UIPL – Code of conduct – bilingual
Main principles and goals of the Association
- Lawfulness
- Voluntarism
- Openness
- Transparency
In addition to advocating and encouraging all relevant stakeholders in the BiH market to create a favourable economic, administrative and political environment, to establish better and more efficient partnership with all state bodies and relevant ministries.
By joining EFPIA, AIPM has accepted and adopted the EFPIA Code of Practice which stipulates the ethical principles of conduct of member pharmaceutical companies, and which,for the purposes of transparency of relations between the innovative pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals, including the patients’ associations, additionally requires all EFPlA Member Companies and EFPlAMember Associations, to disclose transfers of value, i.e. financial compensations, to healthcare professionals(HCPs) and healthcare organizations (HCOs).