Tomorrow (12 JUNE 2020), EU Health Ministers will gather virtually to discuss the new EU4HEALTH programme and state of play on developing a COVID-19 vaccine and on securing the production and distribution of the vaccine in the EU.
Speaking about tomorrow’s meeting of EU Health Ministers, EFPIA Director General, Nathalie Moll said. “We very much welcome the Commission’s commitment to health, resilience and recovery, in particular the new Health Programme, EU4Health and the funding for Horizon Europe, which will be reinforced to fund vital research in health, resilience and the green and digital transitions.”
Ms Moll went on to say that “Now more than ever it is crucial that all actors work together to address Europe’s health challenges, build our resilience and drive the block’s economic recovery. The commitment to the health of European citizens evidenced by the EU4HEALTH programme is an important step in that journey.”
In addition to EU4HEALTH, Ministers will discuss the progress in developing COVID-19 vaccines and securing the production and distribution of the vaccine in the EU. Nathalie Moll commented. “While our scientists and researchers continue to work around the clock to develop vaccines for use in the fight against COVID-19, it is important that Europe adopts a coordinated approach based on solidarity and collaboration. As an industry, we are committed to expanding our manufacturing capacity as vaccine research and development continues. We will work with the EU institutions, governments and health systems to ensure that once a vaccine has been approved, it is accessible to citizens across Europe as quickly as possible.”